Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Line Between Spirituality and Irreligious - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1739 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/04/05 Category Religion Essay Level High school Topics: Faith Essay Did you like this example? But if you bite and devour one another, take heed that you are not consumed by one another (Galatians 5:15; New Testament). The word devour comes from the Greek word katesthi, which means: to eat up, or to consume by eating. In nature, very few species eat their own kind. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Line Between Spirituality and Irreligious" essay for you Create order This kind of behavior is looked at as an abnormality. In human nature, people who do this are considered cannibals. This action is an evil act, but there is another division of humans who tend to devour their own kind: Christians. Morality is regarded as being something innate; and Christianity in particular is accused often of having lost this trait. The line between spirituality and irreligious, morally wrong and right, and the validity of these themes have become blurred over time. The Screwtape Letters takes advantage of this tug-of-war between human nature and their beliefs and toys with the idea of religion and what it really means. The most notable aspect of modern society, which would have astonished and equally shocked our ancestors, is the moral inversion which has redefined bad as good, sin as salvation. Indeed the safest route to Hell is the gradual one† the gentle slope, the soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts (Lewis 61). The definition of good .vs. evil does not exist in two distinct places. Every person has their own idea of what is bad and what isnt. Human nature and its morality have become entangled with temptation and impulse. The gradual ascent into Hell that Screwtape talks about is the real position of the Patient and his inner struggle with his own morality and the outcome of this battle within. The Patients and Screwtapes idea of sin and savior clash. The humility that arises within the Patient, the good in him, is morally inverted by Screwtape. Screwtape argues that humility, leads to self-contradiction. By persuading the Patient to think of himself as humble, he will become proud and self-absorbed. A trait commonly looked upon as bad. But to Screwtape and Wormwood, this is good. It is taking the patient away from his morality and towards Hell. These minor persuasions are what create the gentle slope into Hell. Everyday things can push you slightly towards or away from Hell based on how they are approached morally. Screwtape takes advantage of the immodesty and pride in human beings and their nature to self-obsess over doing the right thing which can easily result into people spending too much time and energy on questions that have no real effect on the well-being of others. God created humans to be deeply flawed. This imperfection, Screwtape argues is a consequence of freedom. While free will is difficult concept to define, it can be thought of simply as the act of choices. Because humans have free will, they are constantly alternating between good and evil. Work on that. Bring fully into the consciousness of your patient that particular lift of his mothers eyebrows which he learned to dislike in the nursery, and let him think about how much he dislikes it (Lewis 13). Screwtape and Wormwood cannot make the Patient do anything they want, because forcing the Patient to act a certain way would mean that he has not acted on his own will, and therefore did not sin. Both God and Satan can only encourage and persuade the Patient to behave a certain way whether the Patient embraces good or evil is in the end, up to him. While humans free will makes them vulnerable and weak to temptation, this will presents a problem for devils. Because humans face this kind of deadly temptation, God respects humans who dont give into temptations and rewards them for resisting throughout their lifetime. In this way, only humans can redeem themselves and go to Heaven because humans are free. They have the choice to lead good or bad lives and directly control the outcome of their arrival to Heaven or Hell based on their choices. But Screwtape also argues that there is a way around free will. Humans, being free, are constantly encouraged to do good and evil by God and Satan- respectively. They fluctuate between sin and savior. So how is it possible for humans to make any real progression toward Heaven? Technically speaking, wont good behavior always be challenged by sinful behavior? By tempting a human to will evil behavior, evil actions are created. Screwtape ultimately concludes that free will is humanitys greatest strength, but also its greatest weakness. Being a Christian is not just wishful thinking or an idle thought. I t is a day-to-day task. The real trouble about the set your patient is living in is that it is merely Christian. They all have individual interests, of course, but the bond remains mere Christianity. What we want, if men become Christians at all, is to keep them in the state of mind I call Christianity And. You know† Christianity and the Crisis, Christianity and the New Psychology (Lewis 135). Screwtape starts to complain about the Patients love interest, the Woman and how her family is merely Christian. Her family practices basic Christian principles and doesnt turn their belief in God into something of a fashion statement. Screwtape then presents a solution to this problem, using the Womans familys political interests to tempt the Patient into ?Christianity And. This representation of Christianity, in which Christian teachings become a vessel for political agendas and other socially unacceptable acts is a way for Satan to underhand the positive effect of Christian teachings on peoples lives, a way to make Christians less Christian. These small distinctions are a disturbance from the true message of Christianity† the message to live rightly. Logical reasoning is considered to be real to both humans and demons. One of the goals Screwtape and Wormwood set out to accomplish is to steer the Patient away from engaging in any sort of critical thinking. I once had a patient, a sound atheist, who used to read in the British Museum. One day, as he sat reading, I saw a train of thought in his mind beginning to go the wrong way. The Enemy, of course, was at his elbow in a moment. Before I knew where I was I saw my twenty years work beginning to totter (Lewis 3). Screwtape states that a human applying critical thinking and logical analysis to Christianity will come not just to an understanding of it, but will unequivocally embrace it for the comfort and goodness it brings into their lives. While this idea sounds simple to understand, it really isnt a common view in Christianity. Many Christian leaders throughout history have actually repressed critical thinking about religion. This allowed them to control the masses and remain in po wer. Essentially, mental slavery. If humans were to stop and think logically about the concept of ownership and slavery for even a fraction of a second, they would realize how irrational it is. The Screwtape Letters uses logic and reasoning, rather than just blind faith † to support Christian teachings. In the end, evil actually aids the good. Love is a human capacity and try as he might, Screwtape cannot understand it. He really does want to fill the universe with a lot of loathsome little replicas of Himself†creatures, whose life, on its miniature scale, will be qualitatively like His own, not because He has absorbed them but because their wills freely conform to His. We want cattle who can finally become food; He wants servants who can finally become sons. We want to suck in, He wants to give out. We are empty and would be filled; He is full and flows over. Our war aim is a world in which Our Father Below has drawn all other beings into himself: the Enemy wants a world full of beings united to Him but still distinct (Lewis 38). Screwtape doesnt understand why God created mankind, why he wants humans to be good, or why he wants to reward them in Heaven for their virtue. Screwtapes reasoning is flawless, but his incomprehension of love means that hell never be a Christian. Screwtapes misunderstanding of this basic h uman and divine idea, allows for a idea of humans love for one another and for God to come to light. Love is vital and one of the most important virtues of Christianity. Screwtapes inability to to not understand love makes it impossible for him or Wormwood to understand the relationship the Patient has with the Woman and with God. This eventually creates the downfall and loss of the Patient to the Enemy (God). Human will and the victory of Gods love are two extremely powerful forces in flipping the moral inversion and discarding the sin of spiritual cannibalism. Change creates a focus on the future. All extremes, except extreme devotion to the Enemy, are to be encouraged (Lewis 32). At the time when Lewis was writing The Screwtape Letters, Europes intellectual history was in the hands of important 19th century thinkers as George Hegel, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Charles Darwin. One important thing all four have in common is their emphasis on vast, historical processes. By celebrating progress, people learn to think of the present as minor in importance to the things to come. This is dangerous for morality, because all sin is committed because people think about the future instead of focusing on the present. For example, someone committing a murder on the preface that the murder is necessary to fulfill a goal later on. Change and progress can cause people to push aside the truthful ideas because they have been around for a long time. There is no reason to simply discard Christianity merely because it isnt new. Christianity stands to reason and logic throughout it all because things like virtue are transcendent of time, the importance of Gods existence, His role in the lives of humanity and the Christian faith, should never go out of fashion. Lewis uses The Screwtape Letters to argue Christianitys validity and truthfulness by exploring evil. The devils attempt to dishonestly corrupt mankind usually backfires. In this sense, the form of The Screwtape Letters proves the true power of Christianity. Because its written from the devils perspective, it forms a perfect moral inversion of the Christian doctrine, and by showing that the worship and acceptance of evil is ultimately contradictory and defeating, Lewiss examination of evil ultimately points the reader back to morality and God.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Types Of Learning Disorders And Their Signs Essay

Learning Disabilities and Disorders Types of Learning Disorders and Their Signs Could it be that your child struggles with school? Do you observe he or she avoiding reading out loud, tackling a math problem, or writing an essay? Certainly every child has trouble with homework from time to time, if a certain area of learning is consistently difficult, it might point to a learning disorder. By being knowledgeable on all you can about learning disabilities, you can make sure your child gets the adequate help to overcome classroom challenges and be successful in life. What are learning disabilities? The umbrella term for a wide variety of learning problems are learning disabilities, or learning disorders. A deficit with intelligence or motivation is not a learning disability. Children with learning disabilities are not dumb or lazy. In fact, the majority are just as intelligent as everyone else. Simply their brains are wired differently. This difference affects how they process and receive information. In other words, adults and children with learning disabilities hear, see and understand things differently. This can lead to problems when learning new information and skills, and putting them to use. The most common types of learning disabilities involve problems with listening, math, reading, reasoning, speaking, and writing. Children with learning disabilities can be successful It can be hard to face the possibility that your child may have a learning disorder. No parentsShow MoreRelatedLanguage and Communication Needs1105 Words   |  5 PagesYou are one of the support workers for a ten year old child who has learning disabilities and needs support at school. The child has language and communication needs. Describe the methods and strategies you might use to enable him to communicate with you. How to use specific methods of communication? Some children need particular help in order to communicate and interact. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Economics Four Market Structures With Negative Externalities

Questions: A. Identify the key characteristic of four market structures (ie. monopoly, oligopoly, perfect competition or monopolistic competition). Give a case study example of each market structure.?B. Explain what negative externalities are, and why there may be a case for government intervention to address them. Describe some of the ways to correct the negative externalities and the pros and cons of each method. Provide real life examples?C. Choose a case study from your home country where an externality exists in a current market. Illustrate the situation with externalities in your case study and the resulting deadweight loss in a diagram and discuss ways that your government has addressed the presence of negative externalities in the market? Answers: Introduction Economic activity helps in analyse the production and consumption of goods and services within and outside the economy. There has been ample evidence given by the economist all throughout the years economic is mixture of social and science (De Nicoloi et al. 2012). The study of economic will help to analyse the current market structure of the economy and the reason for the high and low consumption of goods and services. Apart from that study will also focuses on the negative externality which is another major factor that influences the market interventions. Besides that the study will also give an insight of the externality exist in the current market and diagram of dead weight loss will address the government way of handling the issues (Arnold, 2001). A. Characteristic of the four market structure 1.1Monopoly Market In monopoly form of market, there is large number of buyers are single seller. Monopoly market in the current contemporary business is less because most of these firms are acquired by the government organisations in order to distribute in equally among the firms (Arnold, 2001). Some of the major characteristics of monopoly market are given below: single seller and large number of buyers also knows as the price maker unique products and services , no substitutes high barrier for entry Chances of price discrimination is higher Profit maximization British Telecom British telecom is a perfect example of maintaining the monopoly power within the UK market. British telecom is own and control by the government. It has business over the 170 countries as BT global services (Civic and Miklaucic, 2011). British telecom is first telecommunication communication which was established 1878 by graham bell. The company is number one broadband selling company of UK. There is no close competitor neither a close substitutes. Company has earnings of more than 2.91 billion in 2013. It is known for profit maximizations government owned company. Figure 1: Monopoly market, profit maximizations The diagram depicts the profit maximization of the firm in long run. The demand curve is equal to the average revenue curve which shows that, company total earning is higher than its investment which is approx 3 billion (Greenleaf, 2011). BT is selling low cost tariff broadband services and mobile phone network services which is only sold by the BT has made the company to reach at top position of in the telecommunication sector. 1.2Perfect competition Market At the perfect competition market, there are large number seller identical goods to the buyers. The term perfect competition does not exist in the modern economy but the selling of identical product is common in the current contemporary market (Helpman, 1990). Some of the major characteristics of the perfect competition market are s given below: Large number of seller and large number of buyers Identical or same products sold Free entry and exit No chance of price discriminations Normal profit in long run Grocery items sold by the different retail stores like Coles and Woolworths Grocery products are sold by the large number vendors in the market to the large buyers. Almost all of the products are same and identical in the market. Price and quality of the products are same along with no chances of price discriminations (Krugman and Wells, 2006). At perfect completion is there is no single seller and price is governed by the market demand of the products. Figure 2: Normal profit curve for the Perfect competition market From the above figure, it has been found that, grocery market in long term earn only normal profit because of the product are same and identical. Apart from the number of firms like Aldi and Spar are opening their market in the Australia has reduce the business of local retail chain like Woolworth and Coles (Nagler, 2013). With the rise in the competition, lots of small firms and loyal groceries stores are closing their business as there is no exit barriers and this shifting the industry supply to the left which convert those existing firm which is deriving the normal profits. 1.3Monopolistic competition In this type of market, small numbers of firms are selling different products to the large buyers. The products and services which are sold in this market are differentiated and is non price competitions. In monopolistic competition is very much imperfect competition because of quality of the products and services or the high brand value (Tillema et al. 2012). Characteristics of the monopolistic market: Free entry and exit Product and services are sold are different in terms of quality and price or high brand value Large number of buyers and small seller In long run, firms earn normal profit A case of hotel business Hotels in Australia like Hilton and royal garden are some of the major examples of monopolistic competitions. This hotel serves various types of services to the customer and has different ranges of price along with quality (Laengle and Loyola, 2010). The quality of the five start hotel and their services are being one of the major differentiated way of selling their rooms and food. Figure 3: Long run, normal profit for hotels in Australia From the above diagram, hotel business in worldwide are very much same but the selling of the services styles are different form one another which is why the firm earn normal profit in long run because of the competition (Ciegis and Pusinaite, 2010). At price P1 hotels are able to earn LRAC demand curve which is because of the demand of curve has shifted as other new hotels are opened which turns the supernormal profit into normal profits. 1.4 Oligopoly Oligopoly market is based on the large number of buyers and only few sellers. Such as tooth paste companies sand the wafers companies. Oligopoly market is very much innovating their form of products and services in order to beat the competitors. Some of the major characteristics of the firm are as given below: Large number of buyers and only few sellers Firms are very much interdependent Entry barriers because of the existing has capture large market share Huge amount of investment is required In the long run the company has kinked demand curve Colgate Palmolive Colgate Palmolive is Australia is number 1 tooth Paste Company. Company is American multinational but has branches all over the world. Colgate Palmolive sells the large number of tooth paste to the large sellers and there are only few competitors like Oral B and Pepsodents etc (Amelio and Biancini, 2010). With the innovations for marketing the products company is the apex position in the market. Figure 4: kinked demand curve for the Colgate Palmolive This demand curve shows the relationship between the price and quantity demanded. For instance, if the Colgate has reduced its price with 85c within its products then sale of the products will be high in compare to Oral B. However, in order to compete in the market Oral B also has to change its price by 85 c to sustain (, 2015). This shows the interdependency of the firm within the market. Apart from that, advertisement and products innovation in this type of firm is very much seen because of the fierce competition by the few sellers. B. Negative Externalities Negative externalities are cost that is borne by the third party whne the transaction is between the buyer and seller is completed. Producers and consumer are first and second parties but third party will be property owner or the resources which is getting suffered due to the producing of products. Externalities is type of external cost which suffered by the third party as part of transactions. Some of the major externalities are waste, carbon emissions and the pollutant air which creating the problem for the surrounding and the environment (Haigh and Griffiths, 2008). There have been numerous occasions where these transactions have derailed the human life by creating huge pollutions. Figure 5: Negative Externalities diagram (Source: Negative externalities show the price paid by the third part that is paying because of the consumption and production of the foods. There are several examples of the production of and consumption such as production of music system turns the music loud which may creates problems for the neighbor, production of chemical fertilizers helpful to the farmers but decreasing the productivity of the land and production of car results into pollutions within the environment (Amelio and Biancini, 2010). For instance, a case of Haifa group is known as one of the major company deals in the fertilizer which emits pollutions into the atmosphere while producing it. Marginal private cost = marginal benefit which is situated at output Q and price P. equilibrium is at point A. however, while assessing the external cost , the efficient output is Q1 at point B and At point Q marginal cost is at C which will be greater than the marginal social benefits which results into net loss. If the MSB at pint A for Haifa production = 1 million MSC at C is =2 million The net welfare loss would be = 1 million (pollutions) 2.1 Government interventions Government has related various laws and environmental acts to prevent the negative externalities. Apart from that, government of Australia has brought competition act 2010. Government has conducted various norms such as clean energy act 2011 which has been reform by the government in order to posses strict norms for the companies to produce recyclable products (Kim and Day, 2010). Apart from that, government also has reformed the water act 2007 which depicts that, company throwing sewerage in the river must have to huge amount of water tax and Sewerage tax which creates price of the product more and people purchase less. New South Wales environmental offences and penalties act 1989 prevents the manufactures to commit disposal without the lawful authority with maximum penalties worth of $225000 in case of breaching air and water pollutions and long with 7 years of imprisonment for natural person for doing contaminating the society (, 2015). These are some of the inte rvention does the Australian law prevent the manufacturer and the consumers to control the negative externalities. 2.2 Method of controlling the negative externalities Penalty and imprisonment: Government of Australia is very much active to reduce the pollutions and wastage garbage form the domestics for which several norms has been made one of the them is Environmental and penalties act 1989, an office of disposal of unlawful garbage negligently that harms other will have to pay more than 125000 penalty with 7 years of jail terms (Zehner, 1991). Apart from that, other major act is environmental protection act 1978 and noise Abatement act respectively suggest that culprit has to pay more than $100000 and $5000 and 5 years to 6month of imprisonment. Carbon emission act: Clean energy act 2011 has been reformed that abolishes carbon mechanism act. It provides the various types of programmes to manage the electricity and use of solar power pane (Ramjeawon, 2000). Apart from that clean energy act, there is carbon pollution reduction scheme which was marketed based on the greenhouse gas pollutions which was implemented in 2010. C. Externalities present in sugarcane production of Australia 3.1Envionrmnetal Externalities in New South Wales Australia Externality present in the sugar cane production is very much known to the Government of Australia. The environmental externalities associated with sugar cane productions is land use which includes different sources of chemical pollutions arousing such as pesticides, fertilizers and mill sewage (Revankar and Shyama, 2009). One of the major reasons for land is become unproductive is excessive use of pesticides in land and the expansion of production area of sugarcane. The land is getting affected by the farming on acid sulfate solid which is also polluting the wetlands and riparian areas. Whenever the market operates freely and widely prices of goods and services generally indicate their value to the society and the reuses allocations will be based on the demand and supply of the cane. Sugar cane farming requires extensive use of land and the water along with large amount of pesticides which tend to creates detritions of land quality for longer period of time known as the monoculture (Sooresh et al. 2014). Fertilizer such as the nitrogen and the phosphorous which are used to produce the sugarcane also pollute water and soil which gain increase the airborne disease within the society which tends to cancer and death of many individuals. The presence of negative externality shows the poor and weak efficiency of the government of Australia (Stepanova and Tesoriere, 2010). These chemical fertilisers have enough power to destroy the great barrier reef of world heritage area and also can create increase in the social cost of living. The famers of cane are polluting the land, water and air to maintain a productive cane crop which is also known as the waste sink. This negative externality in environment also had been because of the failure of the government interventions and the cane grower (Untaru, 2002). The system of the industry is very much developed in early 20s that has and the free use of waterway, leading to the production of sugarcane and allows the chemicals to be suffered as the social cost. Figure 6: Deadweight loss from the cane productions The dead weight loss for the company is been excess of burden is a loss of economic efficiency which has been occur whenever the demand of the cane is been poor. For sugar cane industry in 2008, there was huge loss because of the economic turmoil in Australia which tends to decrease the sale of the sugarcane (Ville, 2013). Deadweight loss here could also explain the monopoly way of pricing the products. Due to recession in deadweight loss of total welfare or the social surplus is for the reason of environmental externalities (, 2015). It is a loss of environment due to loss of trade participants which is based on the consumers, producers or the government. As matter of fact Australian sugar industry has been committed by both been both direct and indirect form of negative externalities. Opportunity cost of the foregone here would be value of land and the benefit is producing high yield sugar which is booking the economy. The demand of the sugar has been rise since 1991 because of the rise in populations and the raise in the various coffee shops and restaurants along with cake shops (, 2015). The cane grower also knows the side effects of use of the chemicals and which is decreasing the fertility of land and creating the water borne disease due to increase in the chemical fertilisers. Although the production of sugarcane has been all time high because of use of strong chemical fertilisers but industry has overlooked the welfare profit which gain results into poor outcome or loss (, 2015). Government address the presence of externalities in the Sugarcane industry Nutrient management: the impact of the sugarcane production has depleted the nutrient of water body within the cane productions areas has become very much important to issues in recent times. This issue has been raised particularly because of the water quality of the GBRWHA drainage system is producing very much water borne disease to the people like stomach pain, viral fever and ulcers etc (Sooresh et al. 2014). government of Australia has used water act 2007 which prevents the cane growers to use to non-fertiliser of the production of sugar. Apart from that, water efficiency labeling act scheme has made the sugarcane industry to stop the use of hazardous chemical in the sugarcane. The breach of act will have to pay more than $ 25000 and 2 years of imprisonment (Stepanova and Tesoriere, 2010). Environmental policy: Hazardous waste act 1989 has created various schemes comprise of various porgrammes like Organic revolution programme which has been flowed all over the Australia to reduce the work of pesticides on eating materials (Untaru, 2002). Along with hazardous waste act 1989 act revised bill has been created revolution against those farmers who are extensively using the pesticides and harmful chemicals to destroy the land by penalty worth of 210,000 and 2 years of imprisonment. Some of the government initiatives during the year by the NSW state pollution control commission protection authority are as given below: Years Number 1984 15 1985 22 1986 68 1987 36 1988 78 1999 73 1991 69 1992 54 Air pollution act: Air pollution act 1984 and water pollutions act 1984 were amended in 1991 which increases their penalties. Air pollution act 1984 has given the maximum fine for the emission of the nitrogen in air for which fine is $50000 for the sugar cane corporations. Since, 1989, reviews of pollutions for the legislations is been taken seriously in NSW in order to establish an environmental protection authority (, 2015). Apart from that, these all legislations have been able to decrease the pollution of chemical in sugarcane growing consistently. With rise in effective technology most and demand of customer of organic food is creating to reduce the effect of chemical fertilizer within the sugarcane (, 2015). Conclusion From the above, it has been found that, monopoly market is not been seen in the current contemporary market because of the government organizations has been taken most of these forms. Perfect competition market can be seen in the grocery market and in this market free entry and free exit. Apart from that, monopolistic competition is been seen in the modern economy via differentiating the goods and services by using quality, branding and advertisement. The negative externalities are occurred by the producers and consumers which has been borne by the third party. To achieve sustainable development in sugar industry at NSW more of environmental norms has been use to maintain strategic planning activities. The sugar can grower are using harmful chemical to produce higher amount of sugar which is gain reducing the productivity power of soil and increases the water borne diseases. Reference list Books De Nicoloi, G., De Nicoloi, G., Favara, G. and Ratnovski, L. (2012). Externalities and Macro-Prudential Policy. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund. Arnold, R. (2001). Economics. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Pub. Civic, M. and Miklaucic, M. (2011). Monopoly of force. Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press. Greenleaf, W. (2011). Monopoly on wheels. Detroit, Mich.: Wayne State University Press. Helpman, E. (1990). Monopolistic competition in trade theory. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Influences of Family Communication Patterns on Adult Children’s Perceptions of Romantic Behaviors free essay sample

Some of these future relational behaviors may consist of relational maintenance and ritual behaviors. Relational maintenance and rituals have been found to be reliable predictors of satisfaction and stability among committed romantic relationships. A routine and ordinary behavior that couples experience in their daily lives may contribute to the health of a relationship by providing a foundation for major couple events. The idea of this study is to discover how communication patterns within individuals’ family-of-origin are related to relational maintenance behaviors and rituals used within romantic relationships. Families are children’s major socialization agents which individuals interact in interpersonal relationships to a large extent on how they have learned to communicate in their family-of-origin, so-called family communication patterns. Parent-child interactions have the capability to influence future spousal interactions and the quality of origins family relationships has predicted offspring’s marital quality. Family communication is not easy to understand and explain because of the complex way it develops. To discover how parents shaped children’s information processing. Firstly, people could learn about another person’s perspective and adopt their view. Secondly, people could learn about another person’s assessment or viewpoint and discuss it until they reached a mutually shared understanding. A complete explication of family communication needs to consider both inter-subjectivity and inter-activity. The three dimensions of family schemata which are expressiveness (conversationally oriented), structural traditionalism (conventional in beliefs and conforming) and avoidance (avoiding conflict) to investigate how it affected family communication. Families first construct a social reality through their interactions with each other and they then widen models of communicating based on their routinized behaviors and coorientation. Conversation orientation and conformity orientation are the measurement of family communication patterns. Also, it influences behaviors within the family as they shape how family members understand their social environments and it has the influences beyond one’s original family structure. There are two types of outcomes which is behavioral and psychosocial. Individuals who experience higher levels of conversation orientation also experience higher levels of family satisfaction. Rituals function to retain relationship and also are considered as a genre of communication events. The seven ritual types have been developed among married couples that include both meaning and routine, such as couple-time rituals, idiosyncratic/ symbolic rituals, daily routines and tasks, intimacy expressions, communication rituals, patterns/ habits/ mannerisms, and spiritual rituals. Besides, the seven maintenance behaviors that reflected routine and strategic behaviors which is advice, assurances, conflict management, openness, positivity, sharing tasks and social networks. The association of maintenance behaviors and relational characteristics are control mutuality, commitment, love, trust, liking, satisfaction, and also attachment. The family is considered the top relationship in human experience and the most communicative behaviors are learned and developed, also the early family experiences affected later perceptions of behavior. Also, he leads development of market research initiatives, including experience design methodologies, segmentation, market analysis, industry intelligence, and other market insights in order to inform marketing strategies and operational understanding of the market and customer populations. Other than that, he is doing consultation with marketing leadership and organization administration in identification and implementation of critical measurement reporting of marketing strategy plans. In education background, he was doing Stanford Executive Education: Customer-Focused Innovation in Stanford University. All the simple values of life are to be learned from the parents, such as love, goodness, sympathy, and respect for others. These are the reasons why proper growth of children may impede in case of parental neglect, especially if parents are divided or separated. Lastly, there are many ways that parents can influence their children. I would say that these tend to fall into two categories which is children can choose to pattern themselves after what they see their parents do or they can choose to avoid being like their parents. Obviously, we as children are shaped by what we see our parents do and how we see them act. I know that I have tried to model myself after my parents in many ways because I think they have done many things right. Besides, there are things that I think they have done wrong and I consciously try to avoid doing those things. But either way, the way I live my life has been influenced by them. 4. 2 Support * The Influence of Conformity Orientation on Communication Patterns in Family Conversations The family has long been considered as among the most attractive and important interpersonal systems and nowhere is its influence on individual behaviors more thoughtful than in the area of communicative behaviors. Particularly families are distinguished by uniquely shared world views and value and belief systems. These value and belief systems have far reaching consequences for how family members perceive their social environment and their family’s place in it. As a consequence, how they communicate within it (Koerner, A. F. , amp; Eis, K. M. , 2001). On the other hand, conformity orientation of the family is one dimension of social and interpersonal relationships that has received increased awareness in the study of family communication. Conformity orientation is one of two important dimensions fundamental family communication patterns, conversation orientation is another. â€Å"The instrument that measures family communication patterns collapses the original three dimensions into two: conversation orientation and conformity orientation. Conversation orientation is the degree to which families demonstrate high or low amounts of discussion and talk. Families high in conversation orientation usually communicate about a variety topics. Conformity orientation is concerned is with how much or how little families stress homogeneity.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Traditional Saree Weaving in Betgeri-Gadag Cluster of Karnataka free essay sample

Gadag is a city in Karnataka state in India. It is the administrative headquarters of Gadag District. Gadag and its sister city Betageri (or Betgeri) have a combined city administration, and the municipality of Gadag-Betageri has a population of 1,54,849 and an area of 54. 56 km?. As of 2001 India Gadag-Betgeri had a population of 154,849. Males constitute 51% of the population and females 49%. Gadag-Betageri has an average literacy rate of 71%; male literacy is 79%, and female literacy is 64%. 12% of the population is under 6 years of age. Gadag has become the district head quarters since 1997. Gadag consists of five taluks namely Gadag-Betageri, Ron, Shirhatti, Naragund and Mundargi Since last two centuries Gadag-Betgeri area is famous for its weaving and fabric producing activities. Betgeri is famous for its good quality mercerized cotton and silk sarees with famous Gadi Dadi–Border and Red colour Tope Theni Pallow like famous ILKAL sarees. This region of North Karnataka has lot of weaving activities to the extent of 20 thousand people are engaged in this profession. We will write a custom essay sample on Traditional Saree Weaving in Betgeri-Gadag Cluster of Karnataka or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page April, May and JuneMore demand for sarees, but less productionAbsence of Expert weaver due to marriage season July,Aug. and Sept. No demand for sarees due to â€Å"Ashadamasa†Slack of market. More production in the cluster. Oct,Nov and Dec. More demand for sarees ,but less productionAbsence of Expert weaver due to festivals Jan,Feb,MarchLess salesMore production in the cluster. Almost all the Powerloom Industrialists in this cluster have their own market throughout the year. But the problem observed by survey is the non availability of expert weaver and their frequent migrations. Hence only financially sound can stock the products during slack market duration. Almost all small and medium units are dependent on the agents and traders for their financial supports. Value Addition 1)Embroidery: The art of decoration of fabric or other material with threads, wires or leather using a needle may be defined as embroidery. With the advent of sophisticated machines, embroidery is possible by machines also, especially for repetitive volume work. But, it is the hand embroidery that continues to fascinate mankind for thousands of years. Traditionally, women have been practicing this art from time immemorial. In the cluster,some sarees are taken up for hand embroidery (Kasuti work) or Machine embroidery as per the customer requirement. In hand embroidery depending upon the design, a worker takes one day to five days for a single saree. Women worker does these embroidery works, who all works on part time bases and earn money. 2)Dress materials: Sarees may be converted in to dress materials that are usually available in readymade position for stitching. It is usually of 7 Meters of length, out of which 2. 5 Meter is specially made for wale portion and 4. 75 Meter is made for dressing portion. Production of saree As per the survey, a weaver can produce 5 meters to 6. 7 meters of different varieties of sarees and he can produce 1 sari to 3 sarees in a day. The price range of one sari is around Rs. 230=00 to Rs. 1300=00. Total Power loom units in this cluster are 372 units Total Looms installed in this cluster are 1819 looms The sarees produced are mainly worn by women, age ranging from 40 to 60 years. Wages Skilled Power loom weaver wages differ from design to design and are normally Rs. 00 to 250 per day. They have the employment throughout the year. Employment to women is more on winding machines and they earn minimum about Rs 100=00 per day. Marketing Annual Transaction The silk cotton blended sarees are having good demand among the customers of different states because of comfort and low price when compared with other sarees. As per the estimate the place Betgeri is having transaction about 41 and odds crores in a year.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pop Culture and Evolution - The Hunger Games

Pop Culture and Evolution - The Hunger Games Evolution is not just a topic for a Biology class in school to cover it is found everywhere. There are many pop culture references and nods to the Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection in todays television, books, music, and movies. With The Hunger Games movie breaking box office records, I could not help but jump on the bandwagon and read the trilogy of books written by Suzanne Collins. Beyond a fast paced, edge of your seat thriller, I saw the authors ideas of a future world from an evolution Biologists point of view. The Hunger Games trilogy is set in the future after the collapse and near complete destruction of the world. The country of Panem has arisen from the ashes of what used to be North America and it consists of a Capitol somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, and 12 Districts that supply the affluent Capitol with all of the goods it needs. When the poor Districts tried to rebel, the Capitol took them down and created a yearly spectacle called The Hunger Games that is broadcast live like a reality show. As a reminder that the Capitol has all the power, each District is forced to send one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 that are chosen in a lottery drawing to compete to the death in the Hunger Games arena that is filled with traps and other dangerous creations made by the Capitol for their entertainment. The following paragraphs may contain spoilers if you have not read or seen The Hunger Games or its sequels, and Mockingjay. If you do not want to know details from these books or movies, you may not want to read the rest of this article. Otherwise, lets get into the world of Panem and explore the new species that reside there. The Mockingjay Arguably the most important new species in The Hunger Games trilogy is the mockingjay. These birds came into existence when female mockingbirds mated with the Capitol engineered male jabberjays. We are first introduced to this new species of bird in The Hunger Games book when Madge, the mayors daughter, gives heroine Katniss the gold pin with the mockingjay to wear as her token in the arena (in the movie, the pin is given to Katniss by her sister Prim). There are also mockingjays in the arena where Katniss uses their ability to repeat songs to communicate with her ally Rue. In Catching Fire we see the mockingjay become an increasingly important symbol. Plutarch Heavensbees watch shows a hologram of the bird. Also, before Katniss enters the arena for a second time, she wears a dress created by Cinna that turns her into a mockingjay after the outer layer burns away. Obviously, this new species of bird is the most important in the book entitled Mockingjay. The bird becomes a symbol of rebellion for the Districts, and Katniss finds herself becoming The Mockingjay as the symbolic leader. How did the mockingjay evolve in this fictional world of Panem? The Capitol created a species of bird through artificial selection called the jabberjay. The jabberjay could spy on enemies of the Capitol and repeat conversations word for word back to them. The Capitol could use this information to stop any rebellion attempts. After the rebels in the Districts figured out the scheme, they would feed the birds false information. Therefore the Capitol left the jabberjays, all male, to die in the wild. Instead of dying, the all male jabberjays began mating with female mockingbirds. Speciation occurred and mockingjays were born. Instead of being able to repeat entire conversations, mockingjays would repeat entire songs. These birds helped Katniss communicate with her ally inside the arena and also helped her become a symbol of hope for an entire nation. Tracker Jackers While it is never specified exactly how tracker jackers are created by the Capitol in any of the books, they are described as genetically altered wasps. Once again, the Capitol was manipulating nature and speeding up the evolution of species to do their dirty work. Tracker jackers will attack anyone who disturbs their nest and will follow them like a homing device until they have been stung with a venom that causes severe hallucinations and possibly death. Katniss uses the tracker jackers as a weapon in The Hunger Games when she is stuck in a tree because of the Career Tributes waiting to kill her below. She cuts a branch off the tree that contains a tracker jacker nest and it hits the ground near the Careers, so the tracker jackers attack and run them off, killing some in the process. While tracker jackers are not a product of natural selection, they are an evolutionary offshoot of wasps created through artificial selection. The genetic engineering of the tracker jackers caused a very swift microevolution of the species into a deadly killing machine. Muttations One last type of Capitol created killer is what Suzanne Collins called a muttation. Clearly a play on the word mutation, these can be combinations of just about anything. In the arena, Katniss and Peeta come face to face with muttations that look to be a mix of something like a wolf and their fellow dead tributes. This type of muttation tears the District 2 Tribute Cato to pieces. The book Catching Fire had a new arena that contained muttations that resembled monkeys. However, these monkeys had sharp claws and teeth that could puncture internal organs. When the Tributes make eye contact and quick movements, the monkey muttations attack and even kill the District 6 tribute. In Mockingjay, muttations appear in the form of something that seems to be a human and lizard hybrid down in the sewers of the Capitol. These deadly creatures come after the Sharp Shooter Squad as they make their way to the Presidents mansion. The talon-like claws even tear apart some of the squadron before they can make it out of the sewer alive. Again, these muttations, much like the jabberjays and tracker jackers, were made in a lab somewhere in the Capitol to continue the punishment of the districts of Panem. It isnt specified exactly how they are made, but genetic engineering that lead to microevolution is the most likely explanation. The only way to see into the future is through the eyes of a novelist. It is interesting to see where they believe evolution will take species many years down the road.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Advanced Cross-Cultural Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Advanced Cross-Cultural Communication - Essay Example ; (2) Why was the homestay mother rude to me?; and (3) Why was she refusing my help? The first question was analyzed using theories related to non-verbal miscommunication and parochialism. The second question was addressed using theories related to high- and low-context culture. The third question was answered based on the theory of individualism and collectivism as well as the high- and low-context culture. It was concluded that the root cause of miscommunication in cross-cultural encounter is â€Å"parochialism†. Therefore, this report highly recommends the need to provide our future business people with opportunity to learn different the ways on how they can increase their awareness particularly with regards to the relationship between cultural background and the use of non-verbal cues such as facial expression, body distance, gestures, etc. Table of Contents Executive Summary .................................................................................................. ........ ii 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Research Process ................................................................................................... 2 3.0 Findings and Discussion ........................................................................................ ... .................................................................................................. 9 5.0 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 10 References ........................................................................................................................... 11 Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 12 Appendix I – Full Critical Incident Report .......................................................................... 14 Appendix II – Summary of Continuum from High-Context to Low-Context Culture ........ 16 Appendix III – Comparison of the General Characteristics that Affect Communication between people from High- and Low-Context Countries ............................ 16 1. Introduction When I first arrived in New Zealand back in 2001, I had to live in a â€Å"homestayâ € . Back then, I could not speak any word in English. In order to communicate with people who live with me at the homestay, I had to learn the use of body and sign language. Even though I was able to express my personal thoughts and opinion through the use of body and sign language, there were several occasions I encountered miscommunication between me and my homestay mother. (See Appendix I – Full Critical Incident Report on page 14) The rationale and main objective of this report is to analyze and discuss the relevance of several existing cross-cultural theories on the critical incident presented on Appendix I. In the process of completing this report, the student is expected to conduct a literature review with regards to the concept and application of cross-cultural theories. By doing so, the student